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Ear Clear Cat & Dog Ear Cleansing Pads - 90 ct.

Ear Clear Cat & Dog Ear Cleansing Pads - 90 ct.

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Excel Gentle ear cleansing for dogs & cats. Painless, fast acting formula dissolves waxy buildup. 8 In 1 Ear Clear Pads gently and effectively dissolve waxy build-up and removes debris. Routine use helps maintain good ear hygene. 90 ct.

Model No: J7101 - In Stock

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EXCEL Ear Clear Cat & Dog Ear Cleansing Pads - 90 ct.
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Ear Clear Cat & Dog Ear Cleansing Pads - 90 ct.

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- Dog Ear Care - Cat Eye and Ear Care Products

Manufacturer:   EXCEL
Gentle ear cleansing for dogs & cats. Painless, fast acting formula dissolves waxy buildup. 8 In 1 Ear Clear Pads gently and effectively dissolve waxy build-up and removes debris. Routine use helps maintain good ear hygene. Painless and nontoxic.
90 Count

Remove ear wax and debris from the ear flaps and upper ear canal before it can get deeper. It takes just a few swipes of these pre-moistened pads, soaked with gentle and reliable Ear Cleansing Solution. Use these pads regularly to maintain clean, wax-free ears. Clean ears can help stave away infections and the resulting veterinary bills.
Added or Last Modified: 5/7/2013
Weight: 0.4620
UPC: 026851071013

Ear Clear Cat & Dog Ear Cleansing Pads - 90 ct. Additional information:

Cleans away wax and other ear discharge, while it helps prevent any infection and minimize ear odor.
Color (if applicable): / Size (if applicable): 90 ct.
Continental US shipping costs: 10.66 (We do not charge handling)
Buy Ear Clear Cat & Dog Ear Cleansing Pads - 90 ct. and add $93.55 more to your cart to qualify for free shipping. *Weight restrictions may apply.

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Comments, Reviews and Ratings

My dogs ears smelled like Doritoes before I started using these cleansing pads - now they smell better - Thank you.,

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