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Bickmore Pine Tar for Horse Hooves

Bickmore Pine Tar for Horse Hooves

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Bickmore Pine Tar for horse hooves is formulated to help keep hooves from cracking, spliting and hard frogs by helping to retain moisture in the hoof and encouraging new growth to hooves more elastic and flexible. Available sizes: Pint, Quart and Gallon.

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BICKMORE Bickmore Pine Tar for Horse Hooves
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Bickmore Pine Tar for Horse Hooves

Enter the quantity below and click "add to cart":
Click to viewPine Tar - Size (Gallon) -- Model: 10FPM105Buy at Amazon for less!
Click to viewPine Tar - Size (Pint) -- Model: 10FPM103Buy at Amazon for less!
Click to viewPine Tar - Size (Quart) -- Model: 10FPM104Buy at Amazon for less!

- Hoof Picks, Dressings, Brushes

Manufacturer:   BICKMORE

Bickmore Pine Tar for horse hooves is formulated to help keep hooves from cracking, spliting and hard frogs by helping to retain moisture in the hoof and encouraging new growth to hooves more elastic and flexible. This special topical anitseptic helps to fight fungicidal and bacterial infections commonly found in the hooves. Easy to apply, just wash and dry the hoof and place on the hoof was below the coronary band. May also be applied to the bottom of the hoof prior to shoeing as a hoof pack. Available sizes: Pint, Quart and Gallon.

Added or Last Modified: 5/7/2013

Pine Tar - Size (Gallon) Model: 10FPM105

A topical antiseptic that combats fungicidal and bacterial infections
Helps retain hoof moisture
Aids in making the hoof elastic, flexible and promotes the development of new hoof growth
Effective in the treatment of quarter cracks, split hooves, corns and hard frogs
Made in the usa100% Pure Pine Tar.
UPC: 751241000327
1 gal.

Pine Tar - Size (Pint) Model: 10FPM103

A topical antiseptic that combats fungicidal and bacterial infections
Helps retain hoof moisture
Aids in making the hoof elastic, flexible and promotes the development of new hoof growth
Effective in the treatment of quarter cracks, split hooves, corns and hard frogs
Made in the usa100% Pure Pine Tar.
UPC: 751241000303
16 oz.

Pine Tar - Size (Quart) Model: 10FPM104

A topical antiseptic that combats fungicidal and bacterial infections
Helps retain hoof moisture
Aids in making the hoof elastic, flexible and promotes the development of new hoof growth
Effective in the treatment of quarter cracks, split hooves, corns and hard frogs
Made in the usa100% Pure Pine Tar.
UPC: 751241000310
32 oz.

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