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Weed Beater

Weed Beater Lawn Spot Weed Killer Concentrate Size (1 pint Conc.)

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This effective spot-on weed killer is ideal for removing weeds from your lawn. Formulated with Trimec to kill broadleaf weeds and helps to keep your lawn free of weeds. Availale in a concentrate form.

Model No: 893 - In Stock

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- Lawn Fertilizers and Weed Prevention - Weed Killers

Manufacturer:   WEEDBEATER

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Weed Beater Lawn Spot Weed Killer is made especially for the spot treatment of broadleaf weeds on your lawn. Available in concentrate. Contains Trimec and one quart treats 8,000 square feet of lawn. Rainfast after drying.

Concentrate Coverage:

- Pint: Covers up to 4,000 sq. ft.
- Quart: Covers up to 8,000 sq. ft.
- 40 oz.: Covers up to 10,000 sq. ft.
- Gallon: Covers up to 32,000 sq. ft.

Use on the following lawns and areas:

Bahiagrass, Bermudagrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Fescue, Perennial Ryegrass, Zoysiagrass, Centipedegrass, and St. Augustinegrass lawns, vacant lots, playgrounds, and other similar areas.

Weeds Controlled:

This product is effective on hard to control broadleaf weed species such as dandelion, white clover, sheep sorrel and spurge. In addition, Weed Beater Lawn Weed Killer Ready-to-Spray controls susceptible weeds including chickweed, henbit, and plantain. A partial list is presented as follows:

SENSITIVE WEEDS: Bedstraw, Black medic, Buckhorn, Chickweed, Clover, Dandelion, Knotweed, Lambsquarters, Peppergrass, Plantain, Purslane, Ragweed, Sheperdspurse, Wild lettuce.

HARD-TO-KILL WEEDS: Chicory, Dock, Ground Ivy, Healall, Lespedeza, Mallow, Morningglory, Oxalis, Pigweed, Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Sheep sorrel, Speedwell, Spurge, Virginia buttonweed, Wild carrot, Wild onion, Yarrow and many other broadleaf weeds.

Directions for Use:

- Do no allow spray to drift onto vegetables, flowers, ornamental plants, shrubs, trees and other desirable plants since injury may result. Do not pour spray solutions near these plants.

- Whether using a hose end sprayer or pressure sparyer, do not use fine sparys becasue they can drift and cause damage to nontarget plants. Coarse spray droplets are less lekely to drift. Use only lawn-type sprayers.

- Use on bahiagrass, bermudagrass, Kentucky bluegrass, fescue, perennial ryegrass, zoysiagrass, centipedegrass, and St. Augustinegrass lawns, vacant lots, playgrounds and other similar areas where broadleaf weeds are present.

- Effective on all hard-to-kill weeds including: poison ivy, poison oak, sheep sorrel and spurge.

- Maximum application rate to turf is 0.8 pounds 2,4-D acid equivalent per acre per application per site. The maximum number of broadcast applications per treatment site is 2 per year.

- Allow area to dry for at least 8 to 10 hours before allowing children or pets back in area.

- Use spray during the growing season when weeds are actively growing.
For complete precautions and instructions, please follow product label.

Added or Last Modified: 5/7/2013
Weight: 1.3750
UPC: 037321008934

Weed Beater Lawn Spot Weed Killer Concentrate Size (1 pint Conc.) Additional information:

Systemic action kills roots and all
Controls a broad range of noxious weeds in lawns and ornamental turf
For use with tank-type sprayers, hose-end sprayers and for spot-spraying
Rain fast upon drying. Re-seed treated areas in 4 weeks after application
Kills over 200 broadleaf weeds
Made in the usa
Material Composition or Ingredients (if applicable):
Trimec Turf Herbicide, A Combination Of Three Proven Weed Killers 2,4-D, Mecoprop And Dicamba
Color (if applicable): / Size (if applicable): 1 PINT
Continental US shipping costs: 10.99 (We do not charge handling)
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