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Marineland Emperor Power Filter 400

Marineland Emperor Power Filter 400

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For aquariums up to 80 lbs.  The Emperor 400 Filter is created with advanced system technology that effectively and efficiently provides all three necessary filtration elements.

Model No: PF0400BD-PF0400B - In Stock

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MARINELAND FILTRATION Marineland Emperor Power Filter 400

Marineland Emperor Power Filter 400

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The Emperor 400 Filter is created with advanced system technology that effectively and efficiently provides all three necessary filtration elements - mechanical, chemical, and most importantly, biological filtration for both freshwater and saltwater aquariums.

The Heavy Duty Emperor Filter Cartridges provides superior mechanical and chemical filtration. Mechanical filtration traps solid debris like uneaten food and fish waste in the dense microfibers. For chemical filtration, each cartridge is packed with Black Diamond Premium Activated Carbon.

The filter also includes two Refillable Media Containers that can hold an additional amount of Black Diamond Carbon, White Diamond Ammonia Neutralizing Crystals or Diamond Blend.

The patented BIO-Wheel is the undisputed best biological filter-the ideal culture site for the growth and proliferation of beneficial bacteria responsible for nitrification in aquatic environments. The BIO-Wheel never clogs and never needs to be replaced.

The Emperor 400 features a revolutionary two pump design. They send water in two different directions through the filter to provide balanced filtration. The Flow Pump routes water through the filter cartridge which provides mechanical and chemical filtration. The BIO-Pump pressurizes and send a stream of prefiltered water through the spray bar to power-drive the BIO-Wheel. The filter also features an adjustable Spray Bar Knob that can be turned up or down to change angle of the spray bar or water flow when feeding.

Please note that this filter (#400BD) is the new model that does not have flow control or bio wheel viewing windows.

As the spray-bar driven BIO-Wheel turns, it contacts water and air, providing the bacteria with oxygen they need to grow. Because it is a wet/dry biological filter the BIO-Wheel provides bacteria with as much as 30,000 time more oxygen that any underwater biological filtration. More oxygen means more bacteria working working hard to keep your tank ammonia-free and sparkling clean.

The filter has a flow rate of 400 gph and is recommended for aquariums up to 80 gallons. It includes two BIO-wheels, two refillable media containers, and two cartridges.

16 L x 7W x 10H  (inches)   -- For aquariums up to 80 lbs.

Added or Last Modified: 5/7/2013
Weight: 6.0500
UPC: 047431504790

Marineland Emperor Power Filter 400 Additional information:

Emperor filter systems are advanced aquarium technology at its finest.
The emperors feature not one pump (as in ordinary power filters), but two separate water pumps.
The flow and filtration efficiencies are unmatched by other filters in their class.
Material Composition or Ingredients (if applicable):
Two Rite-Size E Filter Cartridges, Two 4 Oz Refillable Media Containers, Two Spray Bar Driven Bio-Wheels, Certified Flow: 400 Gph
Color (if applicable): / Size (if applicable): 400 GPH
Continental US shipping costs: 12.9 (We do not charge handling)
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Always a good experience here.,

very good filter,

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