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Safeguard Medicated Dewormer Block for Beef Cattle - 25 lbs.

Safeguard Medicated Dewormer Block for Beef Cattle - 25 lbs.

Safeguard Medicated Dewormer Block for Beef Cattle - 25 lbs. (EN-PRO-ALŪ MOLASSES BLOCK) Place blocks where animals can reach it and feed. Formula designed to get the right amount of wormer into the animal daily without over consuming. Safe and effective

Model No: 069291 - In Stock

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SAFE-GUARD Safeguard Medicated Dewormer Block for Beef Cattle - 25 lbs.
SAFE-GUARD Authorized Dealer

Safeguard Medicated Dewormer Block for Beef Cattle - 25 lbs.

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