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Trifectant Disinfectant 10 lb

Trifectant Disinfectant 10 lb

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Effective against viruses including Canine Parvovirus. The Ultimate Broad Spectrum Virucidal, Bactericidal and fungicidal Disinfectant. Trifectant is highly effective, broad spectrum disinfectant.

Model No: 411622 - In Stock

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TOMLYN Trifectant Disinfectant 10 lb
TOMLYN Authorized Dealer

Trifectant Disinfectant 10 lb

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- Dog Fungus Control - Miscellaneous Dog Health - Bird Bath Cleaners - Cleaners / Soaps / General Tools - Bird Feeder Cleaning - Vet Supply and First Aid - Cat Medical - Toy Cleaning and Toy Boxes

Manufacturer:   TOMLYN

Effective against viruses including Canine Parvovirus.
The Ultimate Broad Spectrum Virucidal, Bactericidal and fungicidal Disinfectant.
•Trifectant is highly effective, broad spectrum disinfectant for use in veterinary hospitals, shelters and boarding facilities.
•Trifectant is a mixture of chemicals that work together synergistically. It is a disinfectant with multiple modes of action designed to work on different and specific parts of the microorganism.
•Powerful, Fast Acting - 1% solution kills bacteria, fungi and parvovirus.
•Effective on porous surfaces, against organic challenge, in hard water and at a low temperature. 10 minutes is sufficient time to soak instruments. Rinse after soaking.
•Delivers a 99.99% kill of major viral, bacterial and fungal pathogens (including hard to kill non-envelope viruses) within minutes of application.
•High levels of surfactancy with acidic and oxidizing power provide superior destruction of biofilms.
•Non-tainting, no environmental residue problems, of exceptionally low toxicity.
•A unique yellow powder for easy storage and transportation and accurate dilution. Readily soluble in warm water within seconds for a ready-to-use solution with a pleasant citrus scent.
•In solution, Trifectant remains stable up to 7 days and is not inactivated by organic material.
•Versatile, can be applied to surfaces and equipment to clean and disinfect in a one step operation. Cleans and disinfects surfaces, including examination tables.
•No rotation necessary - Trifectant kills first time, every time.
•Safe - solution is user friendly to humans and animals. Biodegradable. Does not require special disposal of prepared solution.
•Uses: One-step cleaning and disinfectant - all surfaces, equipment, instruments, cages, kennels, quarantine areas, infectious disease wards, and animal transport vehicles (eg. horse trailers). Foggers and sprayers - use in hand-sprayers or automatic systems. Tack and blankets - shampoo or spray lightly. 10 lb container makes 123 gallons.

Added or Last Modified: 5/7/2013
Weight: 11.0000
UPC: 030521091003

Trifectant Disinfectant 10 lb Additional information:

The ultimate broad-spectrum virucidal, bactericidal and fungicidal one-step disinfectant.
Rapid action on 10 virus families, 400 bacteria and numerous fungi - 99% effective in 10 minutes or less!
Remains stable up to 7 days and is not inactivated by organic material.
Multi-species use - dogs, cats, horses, birds and livestock!
Effective against canine parvovirus.
Mix with water for a pleasantly scented, ready-to-use solution.
Material Composition or Ingredients (if applicable):
Potassium Peroxymonosulfate, Sodium Chloride
Color (if applicable): / Size (if applicable): 10 lb. TUB
Continental US shipping costs: 14.81 (We do not charge handling)

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